Importing car to Cuba from CANADA - part1

The origin of the car is not important. Its good to understand the Cuban situation, Cuba has a severe energy and cash crisis.
To reduce the energy consumption the car ownership is regulated, you have to apply for a license, and the license can be refused. It takes a lot of red tape and patience, but it can be done.
Notice when you import your car permanently you have to pay (high)customs duties in Cuba.

For up-to-date information on car imports and customs duties consult the Cuban embassy in Canada.

Cuban Embassy in Canada
Address: 388 Main St., Ottawa, ON, K1S 1E3
Phone: (613) 563-0141
Fax: (613) 563-0068
Email: cuba(at)
Holidays in Cuba:
January 1st & 2nd; May Day, July 25, 26 & 27, October 10, December 25 & December 31.


  1. AnonymousJuly 28, 2012

    New imports duty regulation in Cuba 2012

  2. how to send my car to cuba
